The family comedy, JEREMY (El Jeremías), just released in the U.S. by Sony, will be screening at the AFM.
Univision said that “Jeremy is a movie you´re going to love!”. The heartwarming comedy garnered a Mexican Academy Award for Best Male Breakthrough Artist for Martin Castro’s performance as Jeremy for his portrayal of an 8-year-old pessimistic genius. The film has been playing to enthusiastic audiences at several major festivals, including Zurich and Guadalajara.
STARRING: Martin Castro, Karem Momo, Paulo Galindo, Gerardo Diego, Isela Vega
PRODUCED BY: Mónica Lozano (Instructions Not Included, Amores Perros)
Jeremy is both a genius and a pessimistic misfit. An extremely bright young boy, he struggles to triumph amidst the ignorance and poverty of his family. And unfortunately, his genius IQ does not spare him from the most difficult decision an 8-year-old must face: What does he want to be when he grows up?
AFM SCREENING SCHEDULE Saturday, November 5th, 3:00PM | Santa Monica Arclight Theatre #7
Mundial GM, Cristina Garza, will be attending the AFM from November 1st through the 8th. If you have not already done so, please contact me for more information on the film, screening, or to set a meeting. We look forward to seeing you at our AFM offices (address below).
28.10.2016 | American Film Market Dailies's blog
Cat. : FILM