Press Release: International Uranium Film Festival rocked in Los Angeles
Rio de Janeiro / Los Angeles / May 2nd - In its 6th year, the International Uranium Film Festival, the Atomic Age Cinema Fest was held for the first time in Hollywood. Highlight of the premiere in the famous Raleigh Studios Hollywood April 27th was the award winning docudrama "The Man Who Saved The World", presented by `Braveheart´ executive producer Steve McEveety. After the screenings a nuclear power panel with stars and special guests like Esai Morales, Mimi Kennedy, Kat Kramer, Lou Gossett Jr. and Harvey Wasserman fascinated the audience.
"The International Uranium Film Festival was - you should pardon the expression - a blast! Wonderful people came to watch the films and were blown away by what they viewed. `The Man Who Saved the World´ was, if anything, more impactful this second time I viewed it. Kudos to festival director Norbert G. Suchanek, in from his home in Rio, and local event producer Alexandra Radlovic for pulling together such a great event", said Libbe HaLevy, panelist and producer of Nuclear Hotseat, the weekly international news magazine on all things nuclear.
After the screening Stephen or Steve McEveety received the Uranium Film Festival´s best docudrama Award for "The Man Who Saved The World" by Danish film director Peter Anthony. Further films screened were "Hot Water" by Liz Rogers and Kevin Flint from USA, "Final Picture" by German director Michael von Hohenberg and "Nuclear Savage: The Islands of Secret Project 4.1" by Adam Jonas Horowitz from Santa Fe. Event producer Alexandra Radlovic: "The festival in the Raleigh Studios was magical for me because of the quality of people that attended. The best of the best!" Elena Nicklasson, director of Development of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation commented: "I Loved this event! Great to see so many Hollywood stars supporting nuclear disarmament! The red carpet was amazing thanks to Alexandra Radlovic."
In fact the festival’s red carpet was crowded with stars like: Actor Ed Asner (The Mary Tyler Mooreshow), Ken Davitian (Borat), Eliza Dushku (Angel), Massi Furlan (The Dark Knight Rises), French model Jade Leboeuf, model and actress Dustin Quick (NCIS), Flamenco guitarist Medi Em, Estella Sneider (radio host LIVE Today) and Kate Kramer, founder of the `Films That Change the World´ and proud partner of the first Uranium Film Festival in Hollywood.
Next International Uranium Film Festival in Rio de Janeiro at the Modern Art Museum (MAM Rio), May 20 to May 29th: 50 films from 22 countries and 12 filmmakers are confirmed to attend. You are invit
Photos of the Hollywood premiere of the International Uranium Film Festival, the Atomic Age Cinema Fest at the Raleigh Studios can be find at:
About the festival: The International Uranium Film Festival is dedicated to all films about nuclear power and the risks of radioactivity, from uranium mining to nuclear waste. The horror of atomic bombs and uranium weapons, and nuclear accidents like Three Mile Island, Chernobyl or Fukushima should never be forgotten, nor repeated. This annual festival has global reach. It has toured already to dozens of cites in Brazil, Germany, India, Portugal, Canada and the U.S.: New York, Santa Fe, Albuquerque, and Washington DC. The Los Angeles edition of the Uranium Film Festival now is titled the “Atomic Age Cinema Fest.” The Uranium Film Festival was founded 2010 by the non-profit arts and cultural organization, “Yellow Archives” (Arquivo Amarelo), based in Rio de Janeiro. Objective is the preservation and support of cultures in danger and the production of films against oblivion and displacement. The Yellow Archives is a project against forgetting and to keep valuable knowledge alive. We welcome any support and donation.
Photo credits: Jacques Silberstein (1) and Bob Delgadillo (2)
International Uranium Film Festival
Rua Monte Alegre, 356 / 301
Santa Teresa
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
CEP 20240-194
0055 - 21 - 2507 6704
0055 - 21 - 97207 6704