Hi Bruno,
I hope you are well. It is a sad time for Paris but be brave and know that the word is praying for Paris.
I just wanted to thank you again for your help with my film "Foxed". We had a great run on the festival circuit and are now making the FOXED feature film.
I have posted the short film on Vimeo and in the Foxed Blog. Please pass it on. It is a true film festivals.con success story. Make a short, play the festival circuit... Get a deal to make the feature!
Thanks again!
Dear Bruno:
My thoughts are with you and your family and colleagues.
It took me most of the weekend to hear back from my family and friends in Paris, and although they were okay, they are reeling from the heinous acts, as I’m sure you are and I just wanted you to know my heart is with you. J’ai deux pays, mon pays et Paris, and I am heartbroken but stand with you and yours.
We are so lucky to work around the world, and not to see people’s differences, but to see each other as friends and colleagues who make and disseminate images to entertain, not to divide. I only wish we could reach the people who are filled with hate.
Best, Bonnie Voland IM Global Film
Dear friends and colleagues,
Only today is possible for me to react. Our thoughts are for those who have their life stolen. For families whose members were cowardly killed or injured. Our thoughts are for any human being that is a victim of the insanity of a bunch of criminals. We have to unite around the world our voices, our strength and our capacities to make this a better world.
We have to fight for peace, for friendship among individuals, Countries and Cultures. Cinema is a powerful arm against ignorance, against terror and fundamentalism. We shall use it widely.
Behind terror and terrorist attacks is just a coward criminal strategy to make us fear, to provoke changes in our lives and in our minds. We have to fight back with more cooperation more culture and more cinema.
João Paulo Macedo
Director FIKE - International Short Film Festival
Hello Bruno,
What just happened in France and before in other countries are barbaric acts caused by the self styled Islamic state, an organized terrorism threatening our basic values of freedom, tolerance and justice. My sorrow goes to all who have suffered with the hope that there is the will power by all countries concerned to destroy the Islamic state through effective military and political actions.
Claus Mueller filmfestivals.com correspondent
RB and I wanted to send our love to you in Paris. You are in our thoughts and prayers. May you find peace....
Amanda Toney Managing Director Stage 32
Warm salutations here on behalf of Khefren family. Edward Efren and I would like to express our condolences to beautiful France in light of all the darkness that has transpired in these last days. More than our prayers go out to you and yours .
Chantal Marie Vidal Khefren productions group.
Dear Bruno,
May people of all faiths band together in solidarity and support of freedom and peace.
Our deepest condolences to all of humanity of the loss of life in Paris. Let us all stand together in this terrible time.
Best, Diane Raver
Founder The Garden State Film Festival
From New York City to Paris.
Our hearts and best wishes to the people of Paris.
We understand your horror but don't let it turn to fear!! You are a great city and will be stronger from staying the city of love.
Dennis Cieri Executive Director NYC Independent Film Festival
Bruno Chatelin thank God you are safe Deepest sympathies to all of France
Diane Raver Garden State Film Festival
We were shocked and shaken by the events in Paris. Thanks God the team of Filmfestivals is safe. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of the victims. Everything seems surreal as if it happened in another world, not on our planet which has everything to be a happy place for the people. At this time we should bring ourselves together and think, think, think - what we can do to stop this sensless .
Olena Vitvitska, Adel Vafeyev, Montreal, Canada
We the world of lovers of life stand together after what has happened in the great city of Paris.we as art faculty stand together to oppose violence and hatred thT these handful of terrorists are trying to perpetrate. They will fail ,the terror will be vanquished and peace shall prevail.
India stands with France .My condolences and preyers for the departed souls .
Bobby Vats
whew... so sorry about the tragedy... And GLAD YOU are ok.
Stay safe and well.
Stephen Ashton Founder/Director Society for the Advancement of the Arts & Film Wine Country Film Festival
Dear Bruno
Our thoughts and concerns are with you all in France, wishing that you and all of your families and friends are OK after this terrible savagery. Tony Manne
Bristol Media International, Inc.
Peace, calm and resolve to act.
Best wishes, Jacob Sebag & Associates, P.C.
One of my favorite countries in the world: peace and love to all the French people. No mercy with the terrorists, wherever they are. Love and solidarity!
Ricardo Freixá Executive Director P l u r a l - J e m p s a , SL
You have my support!
Jasmin Durakovic Depo doo
Glad to see you are ok. Hope all your family is ok as well. Our solidarity with all the people in Paris. Vive la France!
Patricia Martin Amazonas Manaus International Film Festival
Cher Bruno,
Just a pump of the hand from this side of the Atlantic to let you that you and your rattled cosmos are in my thoughts.
Warmly, Laura Blum Filmfestivals.com Correspondent
I hope you are all right in Paris horrible events...can not believe...just post if you are ok
Radmila Djurica Filmfestivals.com correspondent.
Hope you and your loved ones are safe. Really awful to hear about the attacks. Do take care. Hugs
Mes chers amis,
On pense à vous...! Bien chaleureusement,
Robin Woods
« En me voyant si près d’être joué aux Français, je commence à croire qu’il pourrait y avoir une Providence pour la constance de l’effort et le courage de la volonté. » Année 1865, 30 novembre. Journal Mémoires de La Vie Littéraire 1864-1867, Tome VII, Edmond et Jules de Goncourt
Prayers of peace for Paris, Bruno Chatelin and all friends in France.
L.j. Rivera RIP Horror Film Festival
Such horrific things happening in the world. My heart is with everyone in Paris. Please be safe and I love you , Bruno Chatelin.... thoughts and prayers are with you!
Nomaan Agha Karawood International Film Festival Awards
Happy to learn you are OK!
Siraj Syed Filmfestivals.com correspondent
Glad to hear you are safe. Tout mon coeur avec La France. J' habite à la frontiere et ma famille à Clermont-Ferrand. Courage!!!
Ines Barreada de Biurru Filmfestivals.com correspondent in San Seabastian
Watching tv feeling very sad,at the barbarian act.
so glad you are safe.
Leslie Vanderpool Bahamas International Film Festival
Relieved you are safe Bruno!
Moira Jean Sullivan Filmfestivals.com correspondent
Glad to see Bruno Chatelin is safe, hope to hear from others soon.
Prayers for France; the victims and their families; and all the people who are dealing with the aftermath. People of Peace stand with you.
Hi Bruno,
Glad you are ok. I’m terribly sorry for what happened in Paris yesterday. The world has gone mad, I wish we could all live in peace and accept each other.
Lia Fietz Filmfestivals.com correspondent
I am praying for Paris and the world
Vanessa McMahon Filmfestivals.com correspondent
Sending love your way, in #Paris & hope you're safe! XoQ Quendrith Johnson FILMFESTIVALS.COM CORRESPONDENT |
We are glad you are OK.
Thoughts from the animation world.
Warm Regards
Laurie Gordon | Director | MIAFF Montreal International Animation Film Festival
So thankful you are all ok. Sending love and prayers from California.
Dear Bruno
Our thoughts are with you
Best regards
Anny Slater Festival Director The Good Dog! International Film Festival
Mal à mon pays. Mal à mon Paris.
Antoine de Caunes @antoinedecaunes
Bruno...all our love and support to you and the French nation throughout these horrific moments.
Stay strong, determined and free of fear.
Pituka Pituka Ortega Heilbron Panama International Film Festival
Our hearts and prayers are with you.
Keep the light burning. Never fade out.
Word Smith
Peace&Love for Paris
Elena Nemykh Producer and director
Questa volta non restiamo in silenzio: Parigi ci appartiene
Muri invisibili (Parigi ci appartiene)
La guerra finisce quando i muri vengono abbattuti. Ma lo sappiamo bene: i muri più difficili da abbattere sono quelli invisibili agli occhi, i muri dei pregiudizi, i muri culturali.
Non si può stare in silenzio. Ma non ci sono neanche le parole. C'è solo voglia di Parigi. Attraversata mentalmente come sul filo di The Walk prima di essere lì il prima possibile
Ma questa guerra è in corso da tempo! E questi morti e feriti e traumatizzati ci sono continuamente! E ci passano davanti e accanto e ci chiedono aiuto ogni giorno. (dal Blog di Valentina Carnelutti)
On January 29, 1972 Lou Reed and John Cale, founding members of the Velvet Underground, reunited with Nico, German actress, model and musician, for a special concert at le Bataclan nightclub in Paris.
Peace for Paris (Parigi ci appartiene)
Questa volta non staremo in silenzio. Sconvolti, devastati dalle stragi di Parigi, abbiamo deciso di continuare a lavorare con i nostri strumenti, che sono il cinema e la cultura. Parigi ci appartiene
Dear Bruno,
It is horrible what happened in Paris last night. And the world press and celebrities are informing us of it.
With reference to your first item, Justin Bieber did not draw that symbol of Peace for Paris. Read who the artist really is in this Slate article Meet the artist behind the Eiffel Tower peace sign drawing. http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2015/11/14/paris_shooting_eiffel_tower_peace_sign_an_interview_with_artist_jean_jullien.html?wpsrc=sh_all_tab_tw_bot.
In fact, the creator of the drawing was a French illustrator named Jean Jullien, who posted it to his Twitter page around midnight Paris-time with the caption “Peace for Paris,” and watched it swiftly take flight.
Ken Chawkin
Bonjour Bruno, Our thoughts and prayers are with you and all of France! The radical Islamists are going to kill us all! And we are letting it happen! Fondly, with prayers.
Hunter Todd & Kathleen Hanney WorldFest Houston
Glad to hear you are safe
Katha Cato Queens World Film Festival
Happy you are safe
Tacie Hovey Maryland International Film Festival
“I express myself visually, so my first reaction was to draw a symbol of peace for Paris,” Jullien, who says his friends and family are safe and accounted for, told TIME over Skype on Saturday from a location he did not wish to disclose. “From there it seems to have gotten a bit out of my hands.”
That poignant painting has quickly become a unifying symbol for people in France and beyond. A cell-phone picture of the illustration that Jullien posted to his Instagram on Friday evening has garnered at least 129,000 likes on Instagram and 48,000 retweets on Twitter, as well as countless other uncredited shares. Instagram’s own post of the image has topped 1.3 million likes.
“I can’t say I’m happy because it’s such a tragedy and such a horrible event,” he says. “I can just say that in all this horror there’s something positive that people are coming together in a sense of unity and peace.”
It’s even been shared by celebrities such as John Legend and One Direction’s Harry Styles. “People are asking me, ‘Are you proud?’ and all that,” Jullien said of the famous figures distributing his work. “No, at the moment what touched me more, so to speak, is the fact that everyone shared it—not just famous people but everyone all over the world. The main purpose of the image was to communicate peace and solidarity, and that’s exactly what it seems to have done.”
Jullien also says he’s not bothered by all the people sharing the image without attributing it to him. “Some people were trying to alert me that people were using it without credit,” he says. “That’s not really the point. I did not create the image to get credit. I created a symbol for everyone to share. It’s not for ownership and pride.”
And while his illustrations are typically more humor-based than the image that’s now brought him international attention, Jullien notes that his Paris peace sign has had a similar impact on those who see it. “What I normal do is try to bring a smile on peoples’ faces with my work,” he says. “I got someone emailing me saying they were happy to have seen my message because the feeling of peace and unity took over the raw anger that can come from such an event.”
as written for Time Magazine
19.11.2015 | Editor's blog