Techno-fantasy from FutureDude Entertainment
Comics are sold in US and Canada via Diamond Comic Distributors, also available in digital distribution via comiXology.
Parallel Man: Infinite Pursuit is a 13-minute animation to be released in the Spring of 2015. In addition, the Parallel Man universe will include a 7-issue comic book mini-series and mobile device video game. The story follows Commander Nick Morgan — an intelligence agent from an evil version of America in an alternate universe. His government, known as The Ascendancy, has attacked and enslaved eleven other Earths and has its sights set on our world as their next target.
Nick spent his childhood secretly learning of the freedom in other Americas from his grandfather, Tobias Morgan, and struggles to fulfill the deadly goals of his leaders. Now, after stealing an advanced vehicle prototype and his A.I. companion Atlas, Nick seeks out the leaders of a former rebellion known as The Futurists (led by a parallel version of Dr. Carl Sagan) for their assistance in assembling a legendary weapon that could stop the Ascendancy forever.
Voice of Agent Nick MorganJohn is an actor of incredible range. He’s done sci-fi (as Sulu in the J.J. Abrams’ StarTrek reboot) and is a romantic lead in the new ABC sitcom Selfie.
Voice of AtlasA veteran actor, Lance has taken on roles in Fox’sFringe series and contributed voice work to Destiny, the new sci-fi epic from Bungie.
Voice of Major Mackenzie CartwrightNo stranger to sci-fi, Ming-Na has played many memorable roles in countless series, includingAgents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Eureka, and Stargate SGU.
Jeffrey currently serves as the creator and co-writer of a number of science-fiction properties including Parallel Man, Brainstorm, and Oceanus — the first two of which are comic book mini-series. Oceanus, a short live-action film which he directed, will debut in the Spring of 2015. He also serves as production designer on all of the FutureDude properties — building worlds from the ground up through illustration and art direction.
In the past decade, Jeffrey created Alpha Prime — a science curriculum that won an award from the National Science Teachers Association. He also helped bring Hollywood–style storytelling to education and public outreach for the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA’s Master Teachers Program, the International Space University, and Lockheed Martin. Jeffrey serves as a member of the New Horizons Message Initiative and will provide art direction for aspects of that project.
His previous publications include the illustrated screenplay Slingshot which featured a foreword by astronaut Buzz Aldrin and Venus: Daedalus One — which engineer/author Homer Hickam called “prodigious!” Additionally, he is the holder of a technology patent for the futuristic Apple iOS calendar app, Timesphere.
+1 310.713.2827
23.05.2015 | Animation Day in Cannes's blog