Loic Magneron, relaxed, after his formal Eye on Films formal presentation on screen at MBG Restaurant.
Eye on Films is a unique, global network of film professionals, which guarantees the circulation of a selection of first feature films in festivals partners in Europe and third countries, and the commercial exploitation of these films by distribution partners in Europe and third countries.
Developed by Wide with the support of the MEDIA Mundus program, the Eye on Films project (EoF) has launched on March 14th, 2011 a call for films, in order to enhance the circulation of European and non-European films, everywhere in the world.
Bringing together 86 international partners, including 46 festivals and 40 distributors, the project aims to implement a selection of a dozen of recent films, 1st or 2nd feature films (fiction, animation, long-length documentaries), never screened or released outside their country of origin. Selected by the members of the EoF network, the films will have the opportunity to get selected in the different festival partners and to be released via the distributors of the network.
19.02.2014 | Berlin's blog
Cat. : eye on films PEOPLE