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The 2013 American Film Market will screen 402 films, including 321 Market Premieres and 75 World Premieres, from 51 countries.
Since 1994, Cinemad schedules the most recent and risky films, anticipating the blockbusters trends, discovering new talents and creating trends. At the same time that rescues of the past authentic masterpieces, that because of the lack of promotion went unnoticed by commercial cinemas in our country.
During all these editions, Cinemad has premiered films from directors such as Martin Scorsese, Kim Ki-Duk and Jim Jarmusch, reaching one of its main goals: Become a space where novice filmmakers ,from different countries, can display and spread new proposals, next to other filmmakers more consecrated.
In 2000, the festival became International with it's Shortfilm contest. Now we move on step forward with our first “Work in Progress Contest (WIPP)” for Feature Films, where we carry on searching for risky and newfangled audiovisual proposals, from all over the world.
WIPP is a initiative that's looks for novice directors whose first director's film is currently in postproduction phase, with the aim to discover new cinematographic talents. A jury composed by personalities of the audiovisual and culture field, will grant to the winner an award composed by different postproduction services valued in 500.000€, with the objective of finding the required financing in other for them to finish their project, facilitating the access to a distribution that will allow them to reach the widest audience. Click here to submit
The Garden State Film Festival was founded to promote the art of filmmaking on all levels by showcasing a wide variety of film, video and animated works as well as provide educational programs in the creative arts to the public by industry leaders. We have started accepting film entries for our next festival. FINAL Deadline is December 1st, 2013
Announcing the GSFF Movie Music Competition.This is the first competition of this kind in Film Festival History. Submit any original movie music from an independent film and it will be judged by music professionals with awards in multiple categories. Click here to submit
A biennial film festival, TICFF brings young children and adults to enjoy the works in this international exhibition, which will take place in April 2014. Public Television Service (PTS), the festival organizer of this event, is now signing up entries to attract some of the finest filmmakers around the world with the lure of USD 28,000 in prize money. Except for showing outstanding dramas, documentaries, animations, and television programs, the festival also includes a new feature: a special Taiwan prize which will be awarded to the best work which represents Taiwan and exemplified the highest standards in the industry... Submit
Years ago, PROJECT GREEN LIGHT offered new talents a platform to compete but it was short lived for obvious reasons, the business model didn’t work. The movies lost money. Unlike all of these different platforms that had good intentions in helping discover new talent, at YOUPIX.ORG, we have eliminated many mistakes to dramatically increase the odds of success for this new indie platform.
The Internet is full of articles/posts/blogs written by Industry Professionals with endorsement for the top ten or top five screenplay competitions – and it doesn’t take long before you start seeing the same Contests repeated again and again… That makes you feel good about those certain competitions, right? So, you submit your screenplay to some (or all) of those competitions with your fingers crossed… And you mig... Submit Now
Project Greenlight Reincarnated! Our winners make a MOVIE. "In Hollywood a script has a One in a Million chance at being produced. That sucks! At your script has a REAL chance at being made into a MOVIE! That does NOT suck!" Dear Screenwriters and Filmmakers, Let's face it. We all just want to make movies. Ever since we could remember. We were kids with movie cameras making goofy projects wi... Submit Now
The Philip K. Dick European Science Fiction Film Festival to Come to France : call for submissions This fall, French Sci-fi fans are in for a treat: three days of events in honor of Philip K Dick are planned in Lille, France from October 25-27, 2013 at the famous L'Hybride Cinema venue. Festival organizers are issuing a call for submissions in science fiction and horror features and shorts. Writers and panelists will be invited to participate. ... Submit Now
The MAIN ENTRY DEADLINE is December 15th, 2013 THE FINAL "BRICK-WALL" DEADLINE is: JANUARY 31st, 2013 - ENTRIES MUST REACH US BY THEN! We now accept PayPal for even greater payment security. The secure PayPal payment address is - The 47th Annual WorldFest-Houston - April 4-13, 2014 Ten Great Days in April! Download the entry form “Before there was Sundance or SXSW, Before there was Toronto or Tribeca, there was WorldFest...Submit now
3D Film Mart (3DFM) 3-6 December 2013., now in its 3rd edition, is the first European co-production market for stereoscopic-3D (S-3D) movies.
The 3D Film Mart was developed by 3D Stereo MEDIA in association with TWIST and peacefulfish. 3DFM is partially funded by the MEDIA Program of the European Commission (EC), and is thus an official project of the EC. This gives it a wide visibility and a significant notoriety in Europe and beyond.
Producers of 3D contents (for cinema, TV, ...) who have projects for S-3D contents (feature, documentary, animation, alternative content, ...) at an early stage of development, and are looking for financing, are invited to submit their projects to the market.... Submit Now
New York Festival's World's Best Television & Films competition honors programming in all lengths and forms from over 50 countries. Dedicated to both the Television and Film industries, categories mirror today's global trends and encourage the next generation of story-tellers and talent: Animation, Comedy, Corporate, Drama, Documentary, Feature Films, Music Videos, News, Promos, Reality Shows, Sports, Telenovelas, Webisodes, Best Performance by an Actor/Actress, Special Event, Innovation, and Technical Production Team...Submit Now
LALIFF 2013 annnounes its winners at closing night
Manel Fuentes to host the Goyas 2014
The showman Manel Fuentes will be hosting the Goya Awards on February 9, at the Palacio de Congresos Principe Felipe in Madrid. Just like the Americans who chose Ellen DeGeneres, a showoman and TV presenter to lead the Oscars, the Spanish Academy of Cinema has announced today that TV presenter Manel Fuentes will be the man in charge at the 28th Goya Awards. He w...
The winning films of the LET’S CEE Film Festival’s three competitions were announced during the Award Ceremony in the Wiener Urania. The winning entries included the feature film Domestic by Romanian director Adrian Sitaru, the Bulgarian documentary The Last Black Sea Pirates by Svetoslav Stoyanov and the Estonian short film Distance by Janno Jürgens. The feature film competition of the LET’S CEE Film Festival, which specialises on Central and Eastern European productio...
Thierry Fremaux guest of Regiofun to introduce Lumiere works (retsored version)
Head of Cannes Fest and Institut Lumière (and Lumière Fest) will host of Katowice Regiofun. Exciting program of 80 minutes of original restored footage by Lumière Brothers will be shown thursday 24th... ...
Ulrich Seidl’s Paradise photo exhibit and retrospective opens Molodist IFF
Ulrich Seidl brought to Kiev 42 photographs (rints from screenshots) dedicated to his «paradisal» trilogy. The very same trilogy will be shown at the Molodist IFF as a part of the world's first complete retrospective of the director: Ulrich Seidl. Total Retrospective. Sexuality, spirituality, physicality - three women from a European family are looking for different ways of how to satisfy their hidden desires. 42 original photographs on the verge of vo...
Meet the EFA Board memberJANI THILTGES
Continuing our series introducing the members of the Board of the European Film Academy, producer Jani Thiltges from Luxembourg talks about the beginnings of his career, winning an award and learning from mistakes … You are involved with production entities across Europe, in Luxembourg, Belgium, France and Portugal. Does that simply reflect the need for international co-production or are there other factors at play? I'd like to be a great ...
Need more and better film submissions for your festival? don't miss the one month booster was established 1995 as world reference in this niche, we are proud of our track record in helping festivals attract more legitimacy, visibility and film submissions from our large base of international film professionals (370 000 unique filmmaker visitors each month), 159 500 subscribers to the newsletter. ONE TIME OFFER We suggest this quick one month booster program for your call for entry including with 4 newsletter ads, your call for entry promoted one month long.
Young producers - a serious play
The first day of the workshops for young producers has just ended. The first part of the meeting was dedicated to the discussion on the topic of the connections between theoreticians and the persons that create films. These often hard relations were discussed by Marcin Adamczyk – off filmmaker in the 90s, author of the book “Globalne Hollywood, filmowa Europa i polskie kino po 1989 roku” (Global Holywood, Cinematic Europe and Polish Cin...
Némo, le festival arts numériques d'Arcadi Île-de-France 16 novembre - 15 décembre 2013
Programmation complète, informations pratiques et tarifs : > Consultez le catalogue en ligne > Suivez-nous sur Facebook et Twitter Nemo, the digital contemporary arts and exploratory music festival by Arcadi Île-de-France November 16 - December 15, 2013 Program, info and ticket prices : > Read the booklet online (French only) > Follow us on Facebook and Twitter ...
La cinquième édition du Maghreb des Films aura lieu du 20 au 25 novembre 2013 à Paris à L’Institut du Monde Arabe, du 27 novembre au 2 décembre au cinéma La Clef à Paris puis dans une quarantaine de salles en province. Le Maghreb des Films c’est Une plongée dans le meilleur du cinéma maghrébin d’aujourd’hui, de l’Algérie, au Maroc et de la Tunisi...
La 9e édition de DOC CIRCUIT MONTRÉAL se déroule du 18 au 20 novembre 2013.
Doc Circuit Montréal dévoile sa programmation 2013 Montréal, le 22 octobre 2013 – Doc Circuit Montréal, l’unique marché bilingue du documentaire en Amérique du Nord, présente la programmation de sa neuvième édition, qui se déroule du 18 au 20 novembreprochains et s’inscrit dans le cadre des Rencontres internationales du documentaire de Montréal (RIDM). Les inscriptions sont ouvertes...
Chéries Chéris Cette année, Josée Dayan était la Marraine du festival. Lors de cette cérémonie a eu lieu la remise des prix et la projection du film « Gay Best Frien »de Darren Stein Parmi de nombreux invités étaient présents Bambi, Biyouna et Nadir mokneche.. Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer une augmentation de 35% du public par rapport à l'année d...
BAC to business - Bac Films, le retour!
David Grumbach, avec un pool d’investisseurs français et européens, est le nouveau propriétaire de BAC Films Distribution. Depuis 1999, David Grumbach s’est distingué dans le financement et la production de films européens. Il devient aujourd’hui le nouveau PDG du groupe BAC avec, comme vice-président et directeur financier Eric Chinchon, spécialiste en financement structurés. Mathieu Robinet conserve sa pl...
Cinq Premiers Films Nominés pour le prix Découverte Européenne 2013
La European Film Academy félicite les nominés pour le prix DECOUVERTE EUROPEENNE 2013 – Prix FIPRESCI, décerné chaque année faisant partie des European Film Awards à un jeune et prometteur réalisateur d’un premier long métrage. Les nominations ont été désignées cette année par un comité composé de Membres du Directoire EFA Helena Danielsson (Suède) et Lászl&oa...
Les Prix Sopadin du scénario, seront remis le lundi 25 novembre à Paris
Les Prix Sopadin du scénario, Grand Prix du meilleur Scénariste et Prix Junior du Meilleur Scénario seront remis le lundi 25 novembre au Cinéma L’Arlequin. Organisée par Philippe Maynial et Barbara Vassiliev, la manifestation dont le jury est présidée pour la quatrième année par Julie Gayet, met en lumière des œuvres d’auteurs confirmés ou émergents, favorisant au stade de l...
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