Rogier van Beeck Calkoen is a young Dutch filmmaker, who has already enjoyed an intensive career but preserves the enthusiasm and passion as if every project was his first one.
He got his major training in the Prague Film School. During that year he followed a Czech puppeteer for a year, as a result came “The puppets family“. After receiving his diploma he got further knowledge of the field from cinematographer Janusz Sikora in Florence. Then he decided to return to New York where he followed an intensive course at the Edit Center. And where he worked as assistant editor on the feature “Les Illegales” and the documentary “A mouth full”. His work has been produced by Black Shadow Films, European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), 89th and Park films, HBO and the Dutch Public Broadcaster (NOS). He won 5 awards including Outstanding Cinematography at the Veneration Film festival, USA 2007.