Michael Douglas will receive the icon award tonight at the Palm Springs Film Festival. Then on Sunday he will attend the Golden Globes, where he is nominated for his role as Gordon Grekko, in Wall Street, Money Never Sleeps. Oliver Stone was here on Saturday night to give an award to Carey Mulligan at the Awards Gala, she played Michaels' daughter in the film. Palm Springs is the festival that keeps on giving. Santa Barbara Film Festival gave a Michael a special award some years ago and his father Kirk was in the audience. I remember meeting Kirk when he spoke for a Palm Springs Writers benefit and then signed copies of his latest book. Kirk and Ann were very involved with the Desert Museum and many other organizations in the desert.
I am sure the family is all thrilled that Michael can also announce his remission of throat cancer and that after the Golden Globes, he'll begin work on his next film, a Jerry Weintraub-Steven Spielberg picture in which he'll play another Palm Springs icon, the late pianist Liberace.
That after all, is what icons' do they keep working, and creating.
"The China Syndrome" (1979)
"Romancing the Stone" (1984)
"Fatal Attraction" (1987)
"Wall Street" (1987) - Academy Award winner, Best Actor
"Basic Instinct" (1992)
"Falling Down" (1993)
"Disclosure" (1994)
"The American President" (1995) - Golden Globe nomination, Best Actor
"The Game" (1997)
"Wonder Boys" (2000) - Golden Globe nomination, Best Actor
"Traffic" (2000)
"King of California" (2007)
"Solitary Man" (2010)
"Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps" (2010) - Golden Globe nomination, Best Supporting Actor
Didn't we all love Michael in these films?
by Marla Lewin
14.01.2011 | Editor's blog
Cat. : Academy Award actor American film directors Ann Basic Instinct California Carey Mulligan Carey Mulligan Cinema of the United States Contact Details Desert Museum Employment Relation Entertainment Entertainment Falling Down Family Relation Fatal Attraction Film Golden Globe Golden Globe Award Gordon Grekko http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqR-7DrtC6Y Human Interest Human Interest King King of California Kirk Marla Lewin Michael Douglas Michael Douglas Movie Release Oliver Stone Palm Springs, California PIANIST president Romancing the Stone Solitary Man Steven Spielberg The American President The China Syndrome The Game the Golden Globes the Palm Springs Film Festival WALL STREET Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps