Having been to many an industry opening, last night’s soiree falls under the category as “One Of The Best.” The buzz on the festival circulated to a viral pitch making for outstanding attendance. The packed house included all walks of comedic life and regular folk too, not to mention the random guy selling umbrellas on a clear night. Again, this is the LA Comedy Shorts Film Festival.
For the comedy starved looky-loos needing a fix, the fest did not disappoint. Aisha Tyler, several Groundlings alumni, MADtv and Funny or Die peeps, too many to mention, were all representing. It was an impressive lot to say the least.
Laughter exploded throughout the theater during the premiere 1 ½ hour Shorts screening.
Thankfully all bathrooms were in good working order.
After the red carpet, screening and initial schmooze, fest patrons were wrangled back to the days of old by being BIG yellow-school bussed to a local party hosted by J Lounge for some more schmoozing and an introduction to Miracle Berries or Synsepalum dulcificum. This bizarre little berry tricks the taste buds into experiencing all things sour, sweet. Sweet drinks taste like syrup, sour things taste sweet and Tabasco sauce seems like a sugary glaze on the tongue.
With comedy being the “angry art,” this was the perfect way to clean up those F#%@#ing foul-mouthed funny people, damn it!
Kim Deisler