Saturday evening, the prizes of the 49th International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Film were awarded. Film-makers, the audience and international festival guests celebrated the winning films in the Leipzig CineStar.
The main prizes of the festival went to "Exile Family Movie" by Arash (Golden Dove for the best long documentary), "The Cemetery Club" by Tali Shemesh (Golden Dove for the best long documentary, too, the Golden Dove was this year awarded ex aequo), "Yaptik-Hasse" by Edgar Bartenev (Golden Dove for the best short documentary), "Rabbit" by Run Wrake (Golden Dove for the best animated film) and "Mein Tod ist nicht dein Tod/My Death, Not Yours" by Lars Barthel (Discovery Channel Filmpreis for the best German documentary). The Talent-Dove of the Media Foundation of the Sparkasse Leipzig was awarded on Friday to Marko Skop for "Iné Svety" ("Other Worlds"). All in all, the festival awarded prizes worth 53.500 Euro.
The prize winners' list and stills from the films will be available for download from Saturday, 4th November, 10 pm on the festival webside
+++ The Festival in Numbers
In 259 events (enclosing industry, special and social events as well as repetitions) the audience and industry guests could see more than 400 films from approx. 50 countries (about 200 documentaries and 200 animated films) with a total length of 19.230 minutes (this would be 13 days, 8 hours and 30 minutes in one piece!). In 2005 there were 223 events, 380 films and 16.568 minutes.
DOK Leipzig ends on Sunday with an audience day. The award winning films and other highlights will be shown again. Final attendance figures cannot be given as long as the festival continues but we estimate that more visitors will attend the festival than last year. Exact figures will be announced on Sunday, 5th November 2006.
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