After the last year’s highly successful 22nd festival, Ankara Film Festival is now getting ready to bring the most exciting films to the audience between 15th to 22nd March this year.
With the support of the Turkish Ministry of Culture, the festival is organized by Global Mass Communication Studies Foundation.
Since today's world diminishes the dissimilarities of lives and minds in all areas; 23rd Ankara International Film Festival has chosen its main theme as ‘Uniformity’. Almost all of us lock our focuses to same goals and are imposed to certain life styles. Inevitably, the lack of diversity leads to complicated social issues. To emphasis the similarities in our consumption patterns, the way we entertain and communicate with each other and how we create and relate to arts and culture; the festival aims to call the audience to think about how we are invaded by the ‘Uniformity’ and its impacts on us.
The pre-jury members Professor Doctor Oguz Onaran, Professor Doctor Seçil Büker and Professor Doctor S. Ruken Öztürk Cantek have determined the nine films to compete in National Competition category in Ankara as follows;
‘MONSTERS’ DINNER’ Canavarlar Sofrasi by Ramin Matin (Festivals and Awards)
‘SNAKE’ Mar by Caner Erzincan (Festivals and Awards)
‘IN FLAMES’ Yangın Var by Murat Saraçoğlu
‘TRACE’ İz by M. Tayfur Aydın
‘POMAGRANATE’ Nar by Ümit Ünal
‘LOVE AND REVOLUTION’ ‘Aşk ve Devrim by F. Serkan Acar
‘ECOTOPIA’ Entelköy Efeköy'e Karşı by Yüksel Aksu
‘WE WILL SEE GOOD DAYS’ Güzel Günler Göreceğiz by Hasan Tolga Pulat
Hicaz by Erdal Rahmi Hanay (TBC)
The juries; Professor Sami Şekeroğlu, director Çiğdem Vitrinel, scriptwriter and writer Osman Şahin, director of photography Doğan Sarıgüzel, film critic Cüneyt Cebenoyan will evaluate the competing films in 16 categories, including; the best film, best director, best actress, best actor, best script and best music.
13.02.2012 | Editor's blog
Cat. : 23rd Ankara International Film Festival actor , best script and best music actress Ankara Ankara Ankara International Film Festival Central Anatolia Region Çiğdem Vitrinel Director Entertainment Entertainment film critic Geography of Turkey Hasan Tolga Pulat Murat Saraçoğlu Oguz Onaran Osman Şahin Person Career professor Provinces of Turkey Ramin Matin Sami Sekeroğlu scriptwriter and writer Turkish Ministry FESTIVALS