Impatient waiting will end at the Festival
Ingenious directors are heading for Flying Broom again this year to halt the impatient waiting of the festival followers. Doris Dörrie, Margarethe von Trotta, Iciar Bollain, Tahmineh Milani, Dorota Kędzierzawska and Marta Meszaros
will meet film lovers with the best examples of their own cinemas on
5-12 May at 14th Flying Broom International Women's Film Festival.
Broom will present to its followers a week full of the latest films of
these ingenious directors that they will bring from Germany, Iran, Poland, Hungary, and Spain to Ankara.
Spanish director, Iciar Bollain who
is the favorite of not only festivals but also women's activities with
her award-winning film called 'Take My Eyes' that depicts domestic
violence is coming with a film about colonialism this time: Even the Rain (2010).African
natives are struggling for water, their right to live; however the
rulers who use force to dominate nature are turning even the rain into
bank notes. So what will the African natives do to struggle against
these rulers? This film, which makes difference with its unique scenes
and script that is clearly a work of a master, was awarded at Palm
Springs International Film Festival.
One of the most prolific directors of German cinema, Doris Dörrie addresses body politics this time with her latest film 'The Hairdresser (2010)' even
though the far east atmosphere which she skillfully created in her film
called 'Cherry Blossoms' has not lose its effect yet. The Hairdresser,
which wants us to question the power over women’s body, tells the story
of an obese hairdresser, Kathi, who is having a hard time finding a job
because she doesn't meet the patterns of the beauty sector.
Tahmineh Milani,
who makes women's problems visible with her films in her country, Iran,
and adapts lives that remained hidden into the screen with a rebellious
language, is a bold director responding to inequalities and injustice
with the language of cinema. Milani keeps decoding sex-based problems
and opposing masculine dominance again in her film called 'Payback (2010)' which tells the story of four women who meet in a prison and start a gang to take revenge from men.
Polish director, Dorota Kedzierzawska,
who is counted among unforgettable directors by film lovers with her
film called 'Crows', tells a story about childhood in her new film 'Tomorrow Will Be Better (2010)'.
This film, which mirrors three children’s struggle to find their own
ways in life, brings Kędzierzawska up to the level of masters once
Hungarian cinema also has a special place in the world cinema history. Márta Mészáros
who keeps adapting sexist politics and extremities of government
pressure into cinema is the most popular woman director in Hungary.
Mészáros takes us back to the 1970s with her film called 'The Last Report on Anna (2009)'.
This film focuses on Anna Kéthly who was once a minister of Imre Nagy
government, which was banished after The Hungarian Revolution. 'The Last
Report on Anna' is the first film that deals with informants since the
political changes in Hungary.
And another ingenious director of German cinema, Margarethe von Trotta… Von Trotta is coming to the festival with 'Vision (2009)'
which portrays the life of Hildegard of Bingen, the first composer to
write about her life and the first woman to write about female
sexuality. Von Trotta is making a significant note in the history of
women's cinema with Hildegard who is the most foreseeing and inspiring
woman of Middle Age.
You can watch the films at Kızılırmak Movie Theatre and Goethe Institut in Ankara.
For more information: 0312 427 00 20
01.05.2011 | Flying Broom Women_s Film Festival's blog
Cat. : Ambiance Ankara Arts bank Cherry Blossoms Cherry Blossoms Cinema of Germany composer Crows Director Doris Dörrie Doris Dörrie Dorota Kędzierzawska Dorota Kedzierzawska Entertainment Entertainment European people Films German cinema Germany hairdresser Hungarian cinema Hungary Icíar Bollaín Imre Nagy Iran Kathi Margarethe von Trotta Margarethe von Trotta Márta Mészáros Márta Mészáros Milani minister of Imre Nagy Movie Release Palm Springs International Film Festival Payback (2010) Person Career Person Communication Poland Religion Religion Social Issues Social Issues Spain Tahmineh Milani Tahmineh Milani Take My Eyes The Hairdresser (2010) The Last Report on Anna The Last Report on Anna (2009) Tomorrow Will Be Better (2010) Vision (2009) Vision – From the Life of Hildegard von Bingen Women's cinema