The Literati Film Festival is a collection of thought provoking works from around the world. It is an international showcase of film to evoke an emotional response and a perceptual alteration in the viewer. Accepting narrative, experimental, documentary and animation it is our hope they be shown together under the broad hood of cinema. It is our hope that you will behold something unfamiliar and strange, yet at the same time revel in its familiarity. We want to bring the viewer to a place outside their comfort zone, to a place where they normally are not allowed just as film does. It is a transitory experience. Voyeuristic, it is a window into the lives and minds of others. We want to show things that quicken the heart and mystify the senses. As Opera encompassed artistic union between different mediums, so to has film. It is the objective of the festival to celebrate the film in its totality. To also dissect it into its components and explore their beauty such as film score and concept art. Applicants are encouraged to submit any and all process materials and film scores to be reviewed as well. Art including but not limited to process, concept, props, installations, and costumes will be showcased in our grand opening and closing ceremonies.
17.02.2011 | Literati Film Festival's blog
Cat. : animation Anthology Film Archives As Opera Experimental film Film Film festival Jerome Hill Jonas Mekas Jonas Mekas Lithuanian people Nationality P. Adams Sitney P. Adams Sitney Peter Kubelka Peter Kubelka Stan Brakhage Technology Technology the Literati Film Festival Withoutabox Independent