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Enjoy the best of both worlds: Film & Festival News, exploring the best of the film festivals community.
Launched in 1995, relentlessly connecting films to festivals, documenting and promoting festivals worldwide.
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S3DCampus propose des formations 3D relief à caractère exceptionnel grâce ausoutien du programme MEDIA financé par l’Union Européenne.
Sèvres, le 28 juin 2011 - Il y a quelques semaines, S3DCampus accueillait une quinzaine de participants internationaux dans le cadrede la formation PRODUCTION S3D EN THÉORIE ET ENPRATIQUE. Cette formation était encadréepar une équipe de professionnels de renommée internationale, parmi lesquels,Eric Deren, stéréographe du blo...
Vous avez toujours rêvé d'être produit par un grand producteur ? Eux aussi !
Le Mobile Film Festival 2011 produit votre court avec 15.000 € et l'accompagnement du producteur du César du Meilleur Court Métrage 2010.
Envoyez vos films avant le 10 janvier 2011 sur
Official Short film "CIAO BARBIES" Trailer
Directed by Claire Allanic
Produced by Cheese Concept
Short film première in the Festival de Cannes 2010
"Révélations Short Film Corner 2010" de l'Agence du Court Métrage
L’association hors champs organise Takavoir le festival du films sur téléphones mobiles. Les candidatures sont ouvertes et pour participer c’est très simple : réaliser un film depuis un téléphone mobile. Le thème de la première édition de Takavoir est l’arbre au sens large. La cérémonie officielle de remise des prix aura lieu le 8 mai à niort en présence du jury composé de professionnels comme Frédéric Proust (scénariste de la série H, de l’émission Canal Presque, ou du film King Guillaume), Michel Royer (documentariste co-réalisateur avec Karl Zéro de Dans la peau de Jacques Chirac…), Pascale Faure (responsable des programmes courts sur Canal +), Sophie Denize (Mikros image). Vous êtes créatifs ? Vous voulez gagner 1000€ ?
Alors participer à Takavoir avant le 15 avril 2010. Silence, moteur, ça tourne Tous les renseignements sont disponibles sur le site officiel de Takavoir.
Director: Noureddine ZERRAD.
Azdine, 27 years old and ex boxing champion, sells and uses drugs. The ghost of his parents’ death chases him to the point that he becomes a high quantity drug consumer. To pay off his addiction, Azdine starts dealing drugs. One day, with no hesitation he accepts Daoud’s proposal which will lead him to a tragic end.
Le Jury Longs Métrages de cette deuxième édition sera présidé par le réalisateur, scénariste et comédien : OLIVIER MARCHAL
« Vu les noms de mes illustres prédécesseurs, je ne pouvais refuser cette invitation à la présidence du Festival ...
L’année dernière, lors de sa première édition, le Président du Jury, Claude Chabrol déclarait : « La vocation du Festival International du Film Policier de Beaune est à la fois de mettre en exergue le genre policier, qui est quand même un des plus vus et des plus nobles du cinéma, et d’essayer justement de voir des tendances, de suggérer des directions »
C’est toujours avec cette ambition que se déroulera la deuxième édition du Festival, du Jeudi 8 au Dimanche 11 Avril 20...
7th Annual Vancouver Women in Film Festival (VWIFF 2012)
March 8-11, 2012 in Vancouver, BC Canada
Each year since 2006, the Vancouver Women in Film Festival (VWIFF) has showcased an impressive line-up of short and feature films (narrative, documentary and animation) by established and emerging women filmmakers from around the world. The Festival is presented by Women in Film and Television Vancouver and is one of our key annual celebration events. In addition to offering independent filmmakers a professional screening opportunity, the festival also serves to build audiences and appreciation for relevant cinema by women.
“There was such a breadth of vision, expression and storytelling in the submissions we received last year, I’m very excited to see what we’ll be presenting to our audiences in 2012,” says Festival Artistic Director, Roslyn Muir.
All films screened at our festival have women in at least three of the key creative roles (one woman may serve in more than one role): Writer, Producer, Director, D.O.P., Lead Actor, or Lead Animator / Editor. We encourage submissions featuring strong female characters and stories. All independent filmmakers (women and men) whose films were completed after January 1, 2010 are invited to submit.
You may submit your film through our website,
or *new this year* you may submit using WITHOUTABOX.
Here's what filmmakers have to say: "Our film screened at VWIFF in 2011, and it was an absolutely amazing experience! The energy and support was infectious. We are looking forward to submitting our next project for next year's festival."
The Vancouver Women in Film Festival celebrates these wonderful filmmakers with artists' fees as well as cash and in-kind awards through the generous support of Legacy Filmworks, Women In the Director’s Chair (Creative Women Workshops Association), Kodak Canada, and a variety of other sponsors.
Read more about the Legacy Awards (three cash prizes totalling $1200), the Women In the Director's Chair Feature Film Award (representing industry leadership and support from some of the most significant companies in western Canada and valued at nearly $120,000), and our annual Spotlight Awards and Gala.
Be a part of our festival! Submit your film today!
Compétition Internationale
Prix du public
THE GROUND BENEATH (Le sol sous nos pas)
René Hernandez / Australie / 2008 / Fiction / 20mn
Compétition française
Prix du Jury
Cheng-Chui Kuo / France / 2008 / Fiction / 28mn
Serge Elissade / France / 2008 / Animation / 5mn
Prix du public
Samir Guesmi / France / 2007 / Fiction / 31mn
Compétition Animation française
Prix du public
Anaïs Gainie, Antoine Jannic...
L'appel à films est ouvert jusqu'au 10 janvier 2011
Jusqu’au 10 janvier 2010, les cinéastes en herbe ou les réalisateurs confirmés peuvent participer au Mobile Film Festival, en envoyant sur le site leur film d’une minute, réalisé avec un téléphone mobile. Les 50 meilleurs films sélectionnés seront présentés du 14 janvier au 6 février 2011 sur le site dans le cadre de la compétition officielle.
Pendant cette période, les internautes sont invités à visionner puis voter sur le site du Festival pour désigner le film qui recevra le « Prix du Public ».
Director: Chaitanya Director.
Yellow Fever Independent Film Festival (YFIFF) is the gateway for new, independent and undiscovered filmmakers which takes place each year in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Designed and organised by award winning film maker George Clarke, the YFIFF is the first of its kind in Northern Ireland and has the dedication and drive to grow larger and larger every year!
The first 4 years have grown with guests coming in from Hong Kong, Mexico, LA, Canada, Italy, the UK and Ireland, with great results! Now the YFIFF has settled in one of the largest and most central cinemas in Northern Ireland the Movie House Cinema, Dublin Rd, Belfast. It is fast becoming one of the top events in NI for film fans...
The YFIFF began is 2009 by Yellow Fever Productions. A Northern Ireland based Company who has received recognition worldwide through festivals and media for their very low budget but awesome films. including, Splash Area, The Knackery, Battle of the Bone and The Last Light.
6th - 8th September 2013
The YFIFF each year hosts some special guests who give workshops and Q&A's with festival goers, in 2012 guests included prolific Hollywood Director Albert Pyun and Hong Kong Producer Mike Leeder.
The Festival runs for three days Fri-Sun and will showcase all genre of independent films including 'Shorts by shorts' a 16 and under category for young film makers.
This year the Festival will close with a high profile gala dinner awards ceremony with celebrity guests.
Submission forms by email request
Open to all Film Makers. Submit up to 3 films for the price of 1 (Just £10). Any Length, Any Genre.
Please note - Film must either be in English or have English subtitles.
Awards Include
Best Actor
Best Actress
Best Director
Best Short
Best Feature
Screening of Recognition
Audience Choice
Best Animation
Best International
Best Local
NEW** Best Short-By-Short (<16)
or drop us a line at -
The Warrambeen Film Festival is a new event developed in response to an identified need to preserve regional stories and history whilst also filling a gap in family friendly arts events on the rural calendar. The festival is a daylong event occurring on the 13th of March 2010 which will incorporate a competitive short film screening, live music and acts as well as a food and wine festival component showcasing the produce of the region. Warrambeen is 1.5hrs west of Melbourne between Geelong, Ballarat and Colac.
The motivation behind this event has always been about reinvesting into the community financially and artistically while preserving its history and engaging new audiences. With the eventual and inevitable loss of word of mouth story telling we believe that film, and especially the short film format, can bridge that gap which has formed and preserve our colourful stories and histories by committing them to film.
With the central theme of regional stories for regional audiences, the festival will select films to be screened with this core idea in mind, although all films will be considered and judged on merit. Furthermore, each year, the festival produces a ‘headline film’ concerning some facet of the immediate regions history, stories, or even based on a good yarn synonymous with the area.
Some fantasic prizes to be announced very soon!
Check out and follow the links to submit your films while the early bird offer is still available.
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See you soon!
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