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Martin Scorsese Masterclass in Cannes






Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer que les webcréateurs et vidéastes sélectionnés et primés par les OFF de Cannes et le Grand Concours International du Web sont bien éligibles à l’aide à la création du fonds CNC Talent sans avoir nécessairement une base de 100.000 followers.. Mis en place en octobre 2017, CNC Talent est le premier fonds dédié aux créateurs vidéo. Il a pour objectif d&rsqu...

Iqbal, l'enfant qui n'avait pas peur

Director: Michel Fuzellier.

Pour payer les médicaments de son frère gravement malade, le jeune Iqbal doit travailler pour un fabricant de tapis sans scrupule qui exploite et maltraite les enfants pour s’enrichir. Mais Iqbal ne se laisse pas faire, il décide de s’échapper pour dénoncer leur condition et rendre la liberté à ses compagnons d’infortune.

L’animation documentaire à l'honneur aux RIDM - du 10 au 20 novembre

Nuts! © Penny Lane   Dans le cadre de la 19e édition des Rencontres internationales du documentaire de Montréal (RIDM) qui se tiendra à Montréal du 10 au 20 novembre 2016, une rétrospective majeure mettra en lumière le dynamisme et la diversité des films documentaires d’animation.   Depuis une quinzaine d’années et à l’instar de Persepolis, Valse avec Bachir et, au Québec, le formidable R...

Caminhos film Festival

The Caminhos Film Festival was stated in the latest editions as the reference event in the Portuguese panorama, the only festival dedicated in its competition, to the Portuguese cinema in various aspects, from the final draft film school, through animation , documentary, short film to feature film. Since 1988 we were privileged as an organization to see and live within the best of Portuguese national productions over the past twenty editions, but also to follow the progress of all the Portuguese film industry. We opened the event from Juniors, to seniors, to Film Schools, publishers and booksellers, all Portuguese production turning it in true showcase of national cinema in Portugal. A showcase, which has focused on bringing the creators to the publics, focusing on interaction at all levels.
O festival Caminhos do Cinema Português afirmou-se nas últimas edições como o evento de referência do panorama português, sendo o único festival dedicado, na sua competição, ao cinema português em várias vertentes, desde os projectos finais de escola de cinema, passando pela animação, documentário, curta-metragem até à longa-metragem. Desde 1988 tivemos o privilégio, enquanto organização de ver e (con)viver com o melhor da produção nacional portuguesa ao longo das últimas XIX edições, mas igualmente de acompanhar a evolução de toda a indústria cinematográfica portuguesa. Abrimos o evento aos Juniores, aos Séniores, às Escolas de Cinema, às editoras e livreiros, a toda a produção portuguesa transformando-o na verdadeira montra do cinema nacional em Portugal. Uma montra, que tem apostado em aproximar os criadores dos seus públicos, apostando na interacção em todos os níveis.

Awards & Prizes

Prémios da Selecção Caminhos 
- Grande Prémio do Festival 
- Prémio para a Melhor Longa-metragem 
- Prémio para a Melhor Curta-metragem 
- Prémio para a Melhor Animação 
- Prémio para o Melhor Documentário 
- Prémio Revelação 
- Melhor Actor 
- Melhor Actor Secundário 
- Melhor Actriz 
- Melhor Actriz Secundária 
- Melhor Direcção Artística 
- Melhor Fotografia 
- Melhor Guarda Roupa 
- Melhor Realizador 
- Melhor Caracterização 
- Melhor Montagem 
- Melhor Som 
- Melhor Argumento Original 
- Melhor Argumento Adaptado 
- Melhor Música Original
Prémio do Público 
- Melhor Filme
Prémio D. Quijote - Prémio da Federação Internacional de Cineclubes 
- Melhor Filme
Prémio Imprensa 
- Melhor Filme
Prémios da Selecção Ensaios 
-Prémio do Júri Ensaios Nacional; 
-Prémio do Júri Ensaios Internacional;
Caminhos Selection Awards 
- Grand Festival Award 
- Award for Best Feature Film 
- Award for Best Short Film 
- Award for Best Animation 
- Award for Best Documentary 
- Breakthrough Awards 
- Best Actor 
- Best Supporting Actor 
- Best Actress 
- Best Supporting Actress 
- Best Art Direction 
- Best Cinematography 
- Best Wardrobe 
- Best Director 
- Best Characterization 
- Best Film Editing 
- Best Sound 
- Best Original Screenplay 
- Best Adapted Screenplay 
- Best Original Music
Audience Award 
- Best movie
D. Quijote Award - Award of the International Federation of Film Societies 
- Best movie
Awards Press 
- Best movie
Essays Selection Award 
- Best National Essay 
- Best International Essay






Rules & Terms

1.- Finalidades do Evento 
1.1.- Caminhos Film Festival têm como finalidade geral do projecto reforçar o acesso à cultura cinematográfica Portuguesa, promovendo a sua divulgação, os elementos para à sua comparação e compreensão. 
1.2.- Para além disso em cada edição o projecto deverá reforçar os laços de comunidade e identidade local existentes, promovendo a integração numa identidade e comunidade nacional.
2.- Objectivos Gerais e Definição Conceptual 
2.1.- O festival é idealizado por amantes e profissionais do mundo cinematográfico e visa dar visibilidade às diferentes produções nacionais. Os Caminhos Film Festival são um festival singular em Portugal dedicado exclusivamente ao cinema nacional, nos seus distintos registos técnicos e temáticos na secção competitiva Selecção Caminhos.
2.2.- Ao nível conceptual os Caminhos do Cinema Português caracterizam-se por uma amplitude de registos que são o fidedigno registo do panorama da produção cinematográfica nacional anual. A inovação do projecto está no facto de se proceder ao acolhimento num único espaço.
2.3.- Os Caminhos do Cinema Português pretendem ser aquilo que o nome transmite, a súmula dos diferentes caminhos que a cinematografia nacional percorre. Não existe um só caminho, disso mesmo nos damos conta quando os podemos enumerar, a saber: cinema de autor, cinema comercial, cinema para crianças e o vídeo arte. O cinema português enquadra-se nos mais variados escalões etários e registos estilísticos de que a história do cinema nos pode dar conta.
2.4.- A Selecção Ensaios, ao aceitar obras realizados em contexto de formação académica, nacionais e internacionais, pretende promover os elementos para a comparação e compreensão da cinematografia portuguesa no contexto global.
3.- Secções Competitivas, Júris e Prémios Oficiais 
3.1.- O festival Caminhos do Cinema Português é constituído por duas secções competitivas, nomeadamente a Selecção Caminhos e a Selecção Ensaios.
3.2.- As obras a apresentar em cada uma das secções competitivas serão o resultado de uma pré-selecção da responsabilidade da organização e de um júri expressamente convocado para o efeito, nos termos dos Regulamentos Anexos próprios de cada secção.
4.- Selecção Caminhos 
4.1.- Os filmes seleccionados para a Selecção Caminhos serão avaliados por um conjunto de júris e concorrem cumulativamente, quando reunidas as condições expressas nos Anexos ao Regulamentos de cada júri/selecção, aos seguintes prémios: 
-Prémios do Júri Caminhos; 
-Prémio do Júri de Imprensa; 
-Prémio Don Quijote / Júri IFSS – Federação Internacional de Cineclubes
5.- Selecção Ensaios 
5.1.- Os filmes seleccionados para a Selecção Ensaios serão avaliados por um júri e concorrem quando reunidas as condições expressas no regulamento desta secção, ao seguinte prémio: 
-Prémio do Júri Ensaios Nacional; 
-Prémio do Júri Ensaios Internacional;
6.- Outros Prémios 
Para dos prémios elencados, os filmes a concurso na Selecção Caminhos e Selecção Ensaios, concorrem igualmente ao Prémio do Público. Este prémio será entregue mediante o escrutínio e o cálculo da média aritmética ponderada expressa pelo espectadores, em boletim de voto próprio, no final de cada sessão na Selecção Caminhos e Selecção Ensaios.
6.- Casos Omissos 
6.1.- A Comissão Organizadora do festival reserva-se o direito de decidir sobre os casos não previstos nos diferentes Regulamentos, bem como proceder a necessárias alterações, dando conhecimento a todos os interessados.
7.- Disposição Final 
A inscrição para pré-selecção e participação nas diferentes secções competitivas (selecção Caminhos/ Selecção Ensaios) do festival Caminhos do Cinema Português XXI implica a leitura deste Regulamento OFicial bem como a aceitação dos Anexos específicos de cada secção.
Coimbra, 15 de Julho de 2015 
1.-Purpose of the event 
1.1.-Caminhos Film Festival have as general purpose of the project enhance access to Portuguese film culture, promoting their dissemination, the elements for the comparison and understanding.
1.2.-Plus in each issue the project should strengthen the bonds of community and local identity, promoting the integration in existing identity and national community.
2.-General objectives and Concept Definition 
2.1.-the festival is designed for lovers and professionals in the film world and seeks to give visibility to the different national productions. The paths are a unique festival Film Festival in Portugal devoted exclusively to national cinema, in its distinctive technical and thematic records in competitive Selection Paths section.
2.2.-Conceptual level the ways of the Portuguese Cinema is characterised by a range of records that are the trustworthy record of the annual national film production. The innovation of the project is that for the reception in a single space.
2.3.- Caminhos film Festival claims to be what the name conveys, summarising the different paths that the national cinematography traverses. There is no one way, that we realize when we can enumerate, namely: cinema, cinema, cinema commercial for children and video art. The Portuguese film fits in various age groups and stylistic records of the history of cinema in can handle.
2.4.-the selection Tests, by accepting works carried out in the context of academic, national and international training, aims to promote the elements for comparison and understanding of Portuguese cinematography in the global context.
3.-Competitive Sections, Juries and awards Officers 
3.1.-Caminhos Film Festival consists of two competitive sections, namely the selection Caminhos and the selection Essays.
3.2.-the works in each of the competitive sections will be the result of a pre-selection of the responsibility of the Organization and of a jury expressly convened for this purpose, in accordance with the regulations specific to each Attachments section.
4.-selecting Paths 
4.1.-The selected films for the selection paths will be evaluated by a set of judges and compete cumulatively when the conditions laid down in Annexes to the Regulations of each jury/selection, the following prizes: 
-Jury Awards paths; 
-Press jury prize; 
-Don Quijote Award/Jury IFSS-International Federation of film societies
5.-Selection Tests 
5.1.-The selected films for the selection tests will be evaluated by a jury and compete when the conditions expressed in the regulation of this section, the following prize: 
-Jury prize National Tests; 
-Jury prize International Trials;
For listed Awards, the films in competition Selection paths and Selection Tests, also compete for the prize of the audience. This prize will be delivered by the scrutiny and the calculation of the weighted arithmetic average expressed by viewers, in ballot itself, at the end of each session in selecting paths and Selection Tests.
6.- Missing cases 
6.1.-the Organizing Committee of the festival reserves the right to decide on the cases not provided for in the various regulations, as well as carry out necessary changes, giving knowledge to all interested parties.
7.-Final provisions 
Registration for pre-selection and participation in different competitive sections (path/selection Selection trials) of Caminhos do Cinema XXI Portuguese festival involves reading this official rules as well as the acceptance of the annexes specific to each section.


8 ème édition du Festival du Film d'Animation de Paris

Le Festival de Film d'Animation de Paris, c'est 5 jours pour découvrir ou redécouvrir le cinéma d'animation et plus particulièrement des courts métrages! C'est une programmation riche avec 167 films français et étrangers ! Des films réalisés par des amateurs, des autodidactes, des étudiants mais aussi des professionnels. Tous ont leur chance et sont soumis au vote du public pour recevoir le &quo...

Quand l’Ukraine éduque ses enfants

L’Ukraine, dans son combat pour un peu de paix sociale, vient cette année pour la première fois au MIFA, représentée par Master Video Production, et propose au marché européen ses programmes éducatifs qui ont déjà rencontré un franc succès au pays. Pour la première fois représentée au MIFA à Annecy, cette production ukrainienne propose des programmes élaborés &ag...

Festival du Film d'Animation de Paris: le programme est en ligne!

Bonjour à toutes et tous!   Retrouvez le programme de la 7e édition du Festival du Film d'Animation de Paris, Croq'Anime, qui aura lieu  du 10 au 14 septembre 2014 au Théâtre de Ménilmontant, 15 rue du retrait, 75020 Paris.    Le programme est en ligne ici:!programme-2014/cdwx   Venez rencontrer des invités de prestige et assister à de nombreuses project...

Bénévolat au Festival du Film d'Animation de Paris

Bonjour à toutes et à tous !   L’association Croq’Anime organise la 7ème édition du Festival du Film d’Animation de Paris du 10 au 14 septembre 2014 au Théâtre de Ménilmontant.   Nous sommes à la recherche de bénévoles pour un jour, 2 jours, 3 jours... ou pour la vie afin de nous aider à distribuer des flyers, accueillir le public, s'occuper du bar, être en charge ...

Totale Fiction and I Can Fly présentent Thunder Donuts

Les productions Totale Fiction inc, société de production de cinéma Montréalaise crée en 2000 et orientée depuis peu vers le cinéma d'animation et I Can Fly société de production française d'animation basée à Paris et à Bordeaux, étaient à Annecy pour nous présenter leur nouvelle co-production en développement : "Thunder Donuts".     "Baskup...

Les studios Disney présentent leur nouveau court-métrage d'animation : ''Feast''

  Il y a un mois, les Studios d'Animation Walt Disney annonçaient le titre et le scénario de leur dernier court métrage d'animation "Feast". Ce film d'animation de 6 minutes produit par Kristina Reed a été projeté en avant première mondiale le 10 juin au Festival du Film d'animation d'Annecy. Cet événement était très attendu du public.   Ce nouve...

Space Hero présenté par les studios 10SLO Digital Animation

    Chengja He nous présente le studio Snow Leopard October Digital Animation (10SLO Digital Animation), crée en 2004, et basé à Wuxi dans la province de Jiangsu en Chine. Leur dernière production, "Space Hero", est une série animée comprenant 26 épisodes de 22 minutes, produite pour la télévision. Un projet de long métrage est aussi actuellement en développ...

Le Brésil présente ses nouveaux talents à Annecy

    Brazilian TV Producers (BTVP) est un programme international crée par l'Association des Producteurs TV Indépendants du Brésil (ABPITV) en partenariat avec APEX Brazil (Agence Brésilienne de Promotion des Exportations et de l'Investissement) et le ministère de la culture. BTVP représente 200 sociétés de production d'horizons cinématographiques différents. Son ob...

A Lifestory

Director: Nacho Rodríguez.

'A Lifestory' is an animation based upon 'The Hymn of the Pearl', a poem from the second century AD. We've remade it into a surreal journey starring a space cat. The original poem is considered epic or mystical, we were drawn to it by its archetypical side, by its universal elements which can be found in everyone's psychology: the depart from the family home on a mission to realize our own destiny in a strange land, falling into sleep, forgetting the origin, then being rescued by our most intimate memory, to finally go back home.


A hipsters unanswered love makes him run amok in an urban environment. After several failed suicideattempts leaving the city in a total disorder he finally gives up. The community gets to clean up.   

International Festival of Short Fiction Films from the Islands of the World: Courts des iles

 International Festival of Short Fiction Films from the Islands of the World, Courts des ilesThe APICA, an association for the promotion of images, creation, and the arts, based in French Polynesia, organizes from November 9th to 17th, 2013 the first edition of the International Festival of Short Fiction Films from the Islands of the World: Courts des îles.

The perspective of island directors at the heart of the “Courts des îles” Festival

The APICA wishes to highlight island sensitivities from all over the world through their audiovisual and cinematic creations, by gathering them around a unique event: The International Festival of Short Fiction Films from the Islands of the World, Courts des îles.

From Java to Madagascar, from Iceland to Corsica, from the Bahamas to Guadeloupe, from Hawaii to Tasmania… Courts des îles hopes to be an open window on island cultures, singular of pluralistic, a link between these young creators, directors from the islands of the world who tell us their stories.

Celebrating the islands of the world through a specific form of expression: short fiction films

A space for creation, experimentation, a genuine springboard for young creators, but also a formidable means to develop personal projects, short fiction films are pregnant with promise for film production worldwide, and generate great interest today from the public as well as broadcasters.

The Courts des îles Festival explores the richness, the diversity, and the uniqueness of island authors and directors’ imagination through this specific form of expression, in a different way than documentaries, which are more anchored in the real world.

A place of discovery and sharing around island creativity

A veritable journey around the world of island creativity: from Europe to Asia, from America to Oceania, and through Africa, Courts des îles is also a place of exchange and sharing for festival attendees, who will be able to contrast their experiences, their points of mutual interest, and their differences during workshops, round tables, and conferences organized around the themes of screenwriting, directing, and producing short fiction films.

Beyond the screening of short fiction films from the islands of the world, the Courts des îles Festival will give pride of place to a different island every year through the best short films that are produced there. For this first edition, Corsica will be the guest of honor of the International Festival of Short Fiction Films from the Islands of the World.

Only a film whose director was born on an island may be in competition at the Courts des îles Festival.

For example, regarding our rules Bahamas, Japan, Tahiti, United Kingdom, Hawaii, Japan, Cook, Australia, New Zealand are islands.

Entry into the International Festival of Short Fiction Films from the Islands of the World is free. There is no set theme. The deadline for submissions is October 6th, 2013, at midnight.

Registration into the International Festival of Short Fiction Films from the islands of the World is done through the submission of a full application file. In order to be registered, entrants must fill out the pre-registration form, available online on the website.

After a selection phase led by professionals from the audiovisual sector and the film industry, the titles of the selected films “in competition” are announced on October 21st, 2013.

Films will be in competition for 4 prizes: The “Courts des îles” Grand Prix, The Best Direction Prize, The Best Screenplay Prize, and the Audience Award. For the latter, votes by the audience during public screenings will be tallied :

  • The “Courts des îles” Grand Prix . The laureate will win a fortnight’s stay in French Polynesia for two people, worth 13,000 Euros, and a cash prize of 1,675 Euros,
  • the “Courts des îles” Best Direction Prize. The laureate will win a package of Polynesian products worth 500 Euros and a cash prize of 1,200 Euros,
  • the “Courts des îles” Best Screenplay Prize.The laureate will win a package of Polynesian products worth 500 Euros and a cash prize of 800 Euros,
  • the “Courts des îles” Audience Award. The laureate will win a package of Polynesian products worth 500 Euros and a cash prize of 500 Euros.

Enter the contest :


Le MIFA en 10 étapes

Comment réussir son passage au Mifa en 10 étapes: Guide pratique du festival et du Marché        Attachment Size press_release_april_2013.pdf 4.04 MB   ...

55 Socks screening at Festival International du Film Francophone de Namur

Quebec cultural agency SODEC (La Société de développement des entreprises culturelles du Québec)  is proud to announce the presence of many Quebec works presented at the Festival International du Film Francophone de Namur. This year, SODEC supports the presence of Quebec directors at the event which runs from 28 September to 5 October.In total, 10 feature films, including three co-productions with Europe and seven short films will be presented at t...

Paris Animation Film Festival 5th edition

The Croq'Anime festival offers this year an eclectic, orginial and daring progamming the 7th, 8th and 9th of September 2012, hosted by the Théâtre de Ménilmontant, in the 20th district in Paris.  Full of emotitons, delirious or tinged with poetry, productions of reknown artists or beginners, professionals or amateurs, will transport you across the world and many other universes. Charmed by screenings of short films, free and open to all, adult and youth programming, the public wil...

[News] Appel à films - Festival du Film d'Animation de Paris 2012

Nouveauté !    Suite à la dotation de 1000 euros attribuée au Prix Croq'Anime, le comité de sélection a décidé de repousser la date limite d’envoi des films au 30 juin 2012 ! Rappel : Croq'Anime, le Rendez-vous du Film d'Animation de Paris prépare la 5ème édition de son festival qui aura lieu les 7, 8 et 9 septembre 2012 à Paris. Pas d'année imposée. Pas de thème imposé. Toutes techniques 2D, 3D, peinture, papier découpé, marionnettes, ...

Croq'Anime : Appel à bénévoles septembre 2012

Croq’Anime est à la recherche de bénévoles pour la 5ème édition du Festival du Film d’Animation de Paris. Le festival se déroulera du jeudi 6 septembre au dimanche 9 septembre 2012 dans le 20e arrondissement. Projections de courts métrages, conférences et tables rondes, questions du public. L’occasion de mettre en lumière de nouveaux talents du film d’animation et de faire (re)découvrir la diversité et la richesse de la création animée indépendante.   P...

Appel à films - Festival septembre 2012

Bonjour à toutes et à tous ! L’appel à films pour la 5ème édition du Festival du Film d’Animation de Paris est ouvert. Aucun thème n’est  imposé et toutes les techniques d’animation sont autorisées. Cependant, la durée du court-métrage ne doit pas dépasser les 12 minutes. Pour participer, vous pouvez nous envoyer vos films avant le 15 juin 2012. Il vous suffit de nous les transmettre par DVD ou lien de HD avec le formulaire d’inscription sign...

Appel à candidatures

Les inscriptions pour la compétition sont ouvertes ! Voici nos critères : le film doit être une production francophone postérieure au 1er janvier 2009 le film doit impérativement être un film d'animation seuls les films de fiction peuvent être soumis au comité de sélection. ne sont pas acceptés les documentaires, les films publicitaires et les films institutionnels. la durée maximale des films est de 20 minutes, générique inclu. le thème et le genre sont libres...

VAFI - Call for Entry

VAFI - International Children and Animation Film Festival Varaždin - Croatia - Call for Entry

Submission Deadline: 15th January 2010 Submission format: DVD - PAL NO ENTRY FEE   VAFI 2010 P. P. 5 42000 Varaždin Croatia Europe PARTNER OF THE FESTIVALEvery year VAFI will have a partner – either a country or an author. In 2010 author – partner will be Borivoj Dovniković, so all of us will be honore