Festival for experimental film, short film and new media
Festival en plein air pour redécouvrir des classiques et des courts métrages
Festival devoted to Latin American cinema and to all the format of films and genre
Festival devoted to French-Quebec & internatinal short films, off to Deauville, devoted largely to features.
Festival dédié au jeune public à Bourboule.
Festival dedicated to `one minute films`. No prices but diffusion rights for selected films. Please send your `one minute films` on dv or dvd before may 16th.
Festival de documentaires sur les droits de l`homme et les questions sociales au Brésil
Information sur www.autresbresils.net
Festival de renommé national qui lie rencontre et projection de film autour de la psychologie
Festival de films gay, lesbien et transgenre avec pour thème cette année la question homosexuelle en Europe
Festival de cinéma en plein air et résidences artistiques Land Art, formations, développement, etc. De la contemplation à l`échange, par le partage et l`éducation populaire. Un collectif de talents artistiques et techniques vous accueille en Queyras.
Festival axé sur les films de qualité et la convivialité.
Festival autour de la culture élétronique.
Festival and competition for recent Mediterranean feature films screened in original version with subtitles. Awards for the three best films, best actor/actress, camera and script – total sum of prizes: 25.000 €.
Festival and competition for any artwork done with a digital medium. Digital Video, animation, music, photography, painting/graphics, enhanced photography and others. Also includes Digital Kid`s Fest for youth exhibition & competition.
Archived festival (terminated)
Festival aimed at exploring the link between media and ethnography
Festival a realizarse con temtica libre, en formato VHS NTSC unicamente.
La organizacion invita a los realizadores seleccionados con alojamiento y alimentacion.
Festival “Videology” is a big event not only for Volgograd, but for all Southern Russia.
Archived festival (terminated)
FESPACO: PAUL ROBESON PRIZE presents with the "Best of the Best Diasporic Cinema."
FESPACO, the largest African film festival. The 17th edition will host an exhibition on image and sound new technologies. Workshops will give professionals and new technology promoters a basis for exchange and experiment of down-to-earth applications
Fed up with violence and mindless Hollywood popcorn movies? The Spiritual Cinema Circle delivers undiscovered films with heart & soul to your doorstep each month. Visit us at: http://www.spiritualcinemacircle.com. Filmmakers are invited to submit.
Featuring the best short films under 5 Minutes on Earth. Period. A platform solely dedicated to the art of the shortest Short Films.
Featuring the best short films on Earth...under 10 Minutes. Period.All genres will be accepted, including categories for narrative, docs, commercials, PSA, music videos, experimental, student films, and our new catagory "Trailers!"
Featuring the best new and classic films/videos for audiences of all ages from around the world. The oldest and largest children`s film festival in the U.S.